With so many people today, it’s hard to choose a side.

Political ideology is a complex question with many answers. We took a test to find out what our political beliefs are. The questions were simple, but the results were interesting. We found that we have different political ideologies based on our responses to the questions.

1. Pew Research Center

The Pew Research Center released a Political Typology Quiz that asks respondents how they think about different political parties and candidates. The quiz was conducted in late October of 2016.

How do you feel about the current political landscape in the United States? Do you identify with one of the two major political parties? Take this quiz to find out where on the political spectrum you fall. ..

The questions in this survey are about the different issues that people are interested in. The questions cover fiscal spending, racial issues, gender issues, environmental regulations, and more.

The Pew Research Center will create a particular label to describe degrees of the political spectrum based on the results of the test. ..

Scroll down to see the charts and graphs to see how you answered versus how the general public answered. The results will show you how you answered versus how the political spectrum you fall on.

2. Youth Leadership

This Youth Leadership quiz is an online resource for Civics Teachers. This page is a tool teachers can use to help students learn about their political views.

The 25 questions on the Single Page Personality Test are easy to answer and can help you better understand yourself. ..

Do you think the Trump administration will be a good or bad thing for the United States?

Quickly answering questions with your initial gut reaction can help ensure you’re answering with what you believe, not with how you’d like the test results to go. ..

Your political leanings will be revealed to you in a text message after you submit. The result will list a few politicians with whom your political views align.

3. Individual Differences Research

The Ideology Test from IDRlabs is a scientific and useful tool for avoiding bias and preventing “spinning questions” on other political ideology sites. ..

Do you think the president’s policies are good for the country? Do you think he should be impeached?

It’s also interesting that these aren’t strictly Agree or Disagree questions. Instead, you move the slider along 5 positions on the bar to identify the degree to which you agree or disagree.

The results of the election are very easy to understand.

The left-right axis shows how you scored with your results from the political quiz. The Liberal and Communitarian dots are on the left and right, respectively, while the famous leaders are aligned to the center. This is a great way to see where you stand in comparison to others.

4. Political Compass

The Political Compass test is not as straightforward as other political ideology tests out there. It will ask you about your opinions on issues such as philosophy, entertainment, and other unrelated topics. ..

The test designers made the test in a way to gauge your thought process and ultimately understand your political leanings through your answers.

  1. What is the main difference between IDRlabs and IDR?
  2. What are the questions in this test?
  3. How will you know if you pass or fail this test?
  4. What are the results of this test?

You are in the political spectrum where the arrows intersect.

The test has Left, Right, Libertarian, and Authoritarian on the sides. The number of questions makes this test one of the most accurate tests. ..

5. Vote Smart

Vote Smart offers a slightly more interactive option. You can either pick a picture of a candidate from one of the four most popular political parties, or choose an issue from a menu at the top.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  1. The government should provide more support for the arts.
  2. The government should reduce taxes for businesses and individuals.
  3. The government should reduce regulations on businesses.
  4. The government should invest more in infrastructure projects.
  5. The government should reduce the number of immigrants coming into the country. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
  1. I believe that the government should provide more support for the arts
  2. I believe that the government should reduce taxes for businesses and individuals
  3. I believe that the government should reduce regulations on businesses
  4. I believe that the government should invest more in infrastructure projects 5) I believe that the number of immigrants coming into our country needs to be reduced ..

The question of who should be the next president is important to many Americans. The pictures of the candidates will grow or shrink depending on how important the question is to you.

When you’re done with all of the questions, you should have a pretty good idea which candidate’s ideology most matches your own!

If you’re undecided about who to vote for in the upcoming election, taking into account your personal beliefs and values might help you make a more informed decision. Of course, if you’re a moderate, it may not help at all! ..

The results of the tests appeared to be accurate, according to what I could tell.

6. Advocates for Self-Government

This organization offers a quiz that is supposed to be the smallest and most accurate political quiz on the internet. The quiz is said to take only a minute, and your results will be compared to millions of other people who have taken it.

Just visit the Advocates site and select Take the Quiz at the top of the page. Then scroll down the page and provide one of three answers to each of the 11 questions. These cover personal issues, economic issues, and an optional bonus question. The bonus question is where you get to say where you think you fall politically.

The accuracy of the test is unknown, so we would suggest not answering it if you want to see how accurate the test really is. ..

When you’re done answering the questions, just select Calculate My Results at the bottom. You’ll see an option to enter your email to get results. But you can bypass this by selecting Continue without saving.

Political ideologies can be broadly categorized as Conservative, Progressive, and Libertarian. The results here on your political ideology reflect this. ..

Since there are so few questions, the results of this study may vary more than where you really are.

7. Polquiz

The final test to see what political ideology you are is to take the quiz on the main page.

This is another quick and easy test because all of the questions are on one page. You just select each topic and it’ll drop down the question. Questions cover two major areas – social matters and economic matters.

  1. How do the government and the private sector work together?
  2. What are some of the biggest challenges facing the government?
  3. What are some of the ways in which the government has been able to improve its performance?

Nolan Chart: Once you’re done, just select Submit Quiz and you’ll see the results in a Nolan Chart.

The political playing field is divided into left-wing and right-wing camps, libertarian and totalitarian, red bullseye will show you where in the political playing field you land.

Check Your Political Ideology

Political ideology is not based on a few hot-button topics. It is based on your beliefs about the world and what it should be like.

  1. Who is your favorite president?
  2. Who is your favorite party?
  3. Who are your favorite candidates for office?
  4. What do you think about the current political climate?