This guide will help you understand the characters and their motivations, so that you can make an informed decision about who to play in the game. ..

Apex Legends Season 4 Character Tier List

Apex Legends has 12 different characters, each with their own unique abilities, gameplay potential, and hitbox size.


Apex Legends is a game that pits players against each other in teams of three. In order to win, your team must take down the other two teams and claim the victory. The game is filled with opportunities for players to use their skills to advantage their team, and Wraith is no exception. She has a range of abilities that can be used in many different ways, making her an ideal player for any situation. Her small hitbox also makes her very hard to hit, making her an ideal choice for players looking to flank or protect their teammate.

What Are Wraith’s Abilities?

With Wraith’s passive, Voices From The Void, the player can get warnings from Wraith when they are aiming at her, which she can share to her teammates. ..

Into the Void: Allows her to disappear from sight. She cannot take damage during this time, but a trail of light will follow her position. Dimensional Rift: Lets her create two portals that link together. It’s perfect for escaping dangerous situations. Low profile perk: Because of her small hitbox, Wraith takes 5% extra damage.

What Playstyle is Suited For Wraith Players?

Wraith is a powerful hero that can provide players with opportunities for escape. Her abilities make her a popular choice for aggressive players. ..


Pathfinder is a versatile character that can be used in many ways to advantage your team. His mobility and ultimate ability make him an excellent choice for players looking to move quickly and take down enemies.

What Are Pathfinder’s Abilities?

Insider knowledge in Apex Legends allows players to scan survey beacons in the world to reveal the next ring’s location. Grappling Hook: Can fling Pathfinder in any direction. This ability can be mastered and it’s the best movement ability in Apex Legends. Zipline Gun: Can create a large zipline that anybody can travel on at increased speed, perfect for entering or escaping fights.

Pathfinder has the low profile perk, which makes him less detectable by enemies.

What Playstyle is Suited For Pathfinder Players?

Pathfinder is an excellent legend for anyone that wants to play aggressively. You can push into a fight with your ultimate and use your grapple at any time to escape, and you’ll never have to worry about somebody catching up with you.


Gibraltar is a strong character that can easily take down most enemies with his powerful guns and healing abilities. He is also a great team player, being able to work well with other players.

What Are Gibraltar’s Abilities?

Gibraltar’s Gun Shield and Dome of Protection give him an advantage in battle. Defensive Bombardment will drop missiles on your position, but Gibraltar takes less damage and cannot be slowed by bullets. Fortified Perk gives Gibralter a 15% reduction in damage taken and makes him immune to bullets while he is shooting. ..

What Playstyle is Suited For Gibraltar Players?

Gibraltar is a great place to play for both teams. It’s excellent for aggressive play, but also supports the team. ..


Wattson is a legendary defensive hero with a small hitbox. She has great abilities for setting up camp, making her the perfect choice for defenders looking to protect their team.

What Are Wattson’s Abilities?

Wattson can place a fence pole that, when placed together, will create an electric fence. Enemies that walk through the fence will take damage and slow.

What Playstyle is Suited For Wattson Players?

Wattson is a legend for those who like to play defensively. She can hold down areas well and is an excellent option for ranked players.


Bangalore has a number of abilities that give her an edge in battle, as well as the ability to move quickly. She does have a small hitbox, but this doesn’t detract from her overall effectiveness. ..

What Are Bangalore’s Abilities?

The ability to boost her speed by 30% every time bullets land near her and the Smoke Launcher can be used to cloud an area with smoke. The Rolling Thunder ability can call in an artillery strike that blankets an area with missiles that slowly explode.

What Playstyle is Suited For Bangalore Players?

Bangalore is a great legend for those who like to outplay enemies with quick repositioning. You can use all of her abilities to quickly confuse enemies and start an attack from another position.


Lifeline is a legend that is perfect for supporting players. She has great healing abilities and a loot packed airdrop as her ultimate. Unfortunately, Lifeline lacks any repositioning or defensive abilities, making her weaker than most other legends ranked above her.

What Are Lifeline’s Abilities?

Combat Medic: Allows her to revive teammates 25% faster. When reviving, a shield wall will appear in the direction she’s facing. Lifeline can also personally use healing items 25% faster.D.O.C Heal Drone: Allows Lifeline to place a small drone that can heal Lifeline and her teammates when standing nearby.Care Package: Allows Lifeline to drop a care package. It will have three utility or healing items inside.Lifeline also has the 5% increased damage low profile perk.

What Playstyle is Suited For Lifeline Players?

Lifeline is a great support for your team, but many of his perks are found on Gibraltar, potentially making him a better option for the same role. ..


Cryptocurrency is a unique form of currency that uses cryptography to secure its transactions and to control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrencies are unique in that they can be used to purchase goods and services. ..

What Are Crypto’s Abilities?

Crypto and his team can see the outline of players that are scanned by his drone. The drone can survey the area and will scan enemies within 30 meters. The drone EMP will charge up a large EMP blast that will do 50 shield damage, slow enemies, and disable traps.

What Playstyle is Suited For Crypto Players?

Crypto is perfect for those who like to be more tactical before engaging in a fight. Because Crypto has to stay still when activating his drone, he can be very vulnerable. You need good situational awareness to use him effectively.


Bloodhound is a recon legend that specializes in tracking skills. By using it, you can scout areas and know exactly where people are before starting a fight.

What Are Bloodhound’s Abilities?

The Tracker will leave clues such as player footsteps on your screen. The Eye of the Allfather will briefly reveal enemies, traps and clues within a large radius in front of Bloodhound. All enemies are tracked through walls too. Beast of the Hunt will all players be highlighted, your vision goes dark, and you can move 30% faster for 35 seconds. If you knock down a player during your ultimate, the timer will increase by 5 seconds.

What Playstyle is Suited For Bloodhound Players?

Bloodhound is an excellent tool for hunting down players, as it can quickly and easily identify them in the environment. This makes it an ideal choice for those who struggle to understand the environment through other means.


This is a great defensive legend that can be hard to master. While not considered amongst the best characters in Apex Legends, he can definitely outplay other legends with some practice.

What Are Caustic’s Abilities?

Nox Vision: Allows Caustic to see the outlines of any enemies that move through Caustic’s gas. Nox Gas Trap: Allows Caustic to place up to 6 gas canisters that automatically release gas when an enemy is nearby or when shot. Nox Gas Grenade: Allows Caustic to throw a grenade that blooms into a large area of gas at the location thrown. All of Caustic’s gas damage stacks over time, and only deals directly to health, ignoring shields.Caustic also has the fortified perk, which means 15% less incoming damage and no slows from bullets.

What Playstyle is Suited For Caustic Players?

The Caustic legend is a powerful defensive legend that takes a lot of skill to master. He’s suited for those who have patience but want to master a character that can force one versus one fights against players with his gas.


Octane is a legend that makes us believe he can move fast, but his abilities put him in danger. Octane may be a fun legend to play, but he’s not viable competitively.

What Are Octane’s Abilities?

Swift Mend: Allows Octane to gradually regain health over time when not taking damage. Stim: Allows Octane to move 30% faster for 6 seconds. The stim costs 10 health to use, but it can be used every two seconds. Launch Pad: Deploys a jump pad that can launch players in the air. This ability can be good for getting to high places.

What Playstyle is Suited For Octane Players?

Octane is a legend for those who want to push themselves to the limit and have fun without worrying about the consequences. There are other legends that fit this role better, such as Pathfinder or Bloodhound, so before choosing Octane, be sure that it is what you want. ..


Mirage is a tricky character who can create clones to confuse enemies or use holographic technology to hide. Unfortunately, Mirage’s abilities only work when others are fooled, making him difficult to use against experienced players. ..

What Are Mirage’s Abilities?

With this, you will go invisible for 5 seconds and create a fake decoy of yourself when you get knocked down. Psyche Out: Will send a decoy of yourself in the direction you point. Vanishing Act: Will make a ring of decoys appear on your position and you’ll also go invisible.

What Playstyle is Suited For Mirage Players?

Mirage is a great trickster-themed ability that can be used for a bit of fun. He’s not particularly useful for the team and lacks any mobility.


Revenant is a new character in Apex Legends, but he has a big hitbox problem that makes him easy to hit. His abilities offer some potential for flanking unaware players, but they need serious work before Revenant can rank higher.

What Are Revenant’s Abilities?

Revenant can climb walls higher and crouch walk higher. You are almost completely silent when crouch walking. Death Totem allows Revenant to place a totem. When a player activates the totem, they will enter shadow mode. In this mode, you’ll only take health damage. If all of your health damage depletes, you’ll appear back at the totem.

What Playstyle is Suited For Revenant?

Revenant is a great legend for players who want to sneak up on their enemies or set up calculating flanks. However, be aware of his flaws before playing him, as he has some weaknesses that can easily lead to your demise.


Apex Legends is a new battle royale game that has quickly become one of the most popular games on the market. The game features a large cast of characters with unique abilities and playstyles. Here are the five best Apex Legends characters according to our experts. ..