I’m annoyed with how Apple does things. There are some advantages to the way they do it, but it’s still frustrating that I can’t enjoy a full-screen shot on my iPhone.

There are a couple of ways to take and view your already taken photos in widescreen format on the iPhone. In this post, I’ll show you how to edit photos so that they can be widescreen and how to take a photo in widescreen, though the latter option comes with some caveats. If you want to take a photo in widescreen on your iPhone, there are two ways you can do it: by editing the photo after it’s been taken or by using an app that lets you do it before taking the photo. Editing the photo after it’s been taken is easier, but it has some caveats. For example, if you want to crop the photo or add text or graphics, you won’t be able to do that while it’s still in camera mode; you have to switch to editing mode first. To take a photo in widescreen mode on your iPhone, first make sure that your phone is set up for wide-angle photography. To do this, go into Settings > Photos & Camera > Camera Mode and select Wide Angle. Then just press and hold down on the shutter button until the camera starts recording video (or start taking photos if you’re using an app like Camera+), and release when you see the “W” icon appear onscreen. ..

Aspect Ratios

iPhone photos will have black bars on either side because the phone uses a different aspect ratio than other cameras. ..

The iPhone takes photos with a 4:3 aspect ratio because that is the preferred format for still photography. If they were to use a 16:9 ratio for photos, then you wouldn’t be able to capture as much in each shot. ..

When you shoot a video with the iPhone’s camera, the camera zooms in to fill the screen with HD video. The downside is that the shot has to be cropped and the field of view is considerably less. ..

In my opinion, Apple should have added an option to take 16:9 photos also and just given a warning to users that the resolution would be less than the max resolution possible with a 4:3 ratio picture. In my tests, a max resolution photo in 4:3 format from my iPhone 6S Plus was only 4096 x 3024.

iOS offers two ways to get your photos into a 16:9 widescreen ratio: either by editing the photo or by taking a picture while you are taking a video. If you edit a 4:3 photo and convert it to 16:9, the resulting resolution is 4032 x 2268. If you take a 16:9 photo while taking a video, the resolution ends up being 3840×2160.

16:9 widescreen photography is a great way to capture the most resolution possible. Just keep taking photos in the standard 4:3 ratio and editing them to 16:9 at a later point. You’ll need to crop the image a little bit (height-wise), but you’ll get the highest resolution photo.

Widescreen Images on iPhone

The second way is to take a photo and then use the phone’s editing tools to crop it to a widescreen format. Which method you choose depends on your needs and preferences. ..

Open the Camera app and switch to video. When you start taking a video, you’ll see a white circle appear at the bottom of the screen. This allows you to take a picture while recording a video.

Secondly, if you want to take a photo that will be used on a website or in an article, you’ll need to make sure that the resolution is high enough so that people can see the full image. A lower resolution photo won’t look as good on a website or in an article.

There are three main ways to edit a photo in the Photos app: by editing the photo itself, by editing the metadata associated with the photo, or by editing the photo’s caption. To edit the photo itself, tap on Edit Photo. In this screen, you’ll see a list of options for editing the photo: -Change its size -Change its color -Edit its resolution -Edit its metadata -Edit its caption

At the top right, tap on the Edit link.

To rotate and crop the image, tap on the first icon towards the top. ..

After tapping on the aspect ratio button, a new window will pop up that will let you choose the desired image size. You can either choose to have the image fill the entire screen or have it occupy a specific area of the screen.

Now you’ll get a popup with several different aspect ratios to choose from. You need to scroll all the way down to find the 16:9 ratio and tap on it. ..

You can now resize your image by moving it around with your finger. The portion that is inside the box is what will become your new widescreen photo.

To make your photos look better in widescreen format, you’ll need to edit each one individually. There’s no way to do this on a batch or set or photos in one go. You have to manually edit each photo that you want in widescreen format.


If you’re looking for a way to take better pictures with your iPhone, there’s an app called Camera+. You can change the shooting mode to 16:9 and have the images automatically stored in the normal camera roll.

To save images to your camera roll, tap on the little plus icon next to the big white circle button and then choose the widescreen icon in the menu that pops out. To save images to your camera roll, tap on AutoSave and choose Camera Roll.

This app can take photos in a widescreen format, which is the best way to ensure that all your photos are taken in the correct resolution. The maximum resolution that this app can create is 4096x2160, so if you want to take a lot of photos at once, it’s worth investing in this app.

  1. Use the right camera for the right shot When taking photos on your iPhone, make sure to use the camera that is best suited for the shot you are trying to take. If you are trying to take a photo of a person, use a camera that has a wide-angle lens. If you are trying to take a photo of something small, like an apple, use a camera with a telephoto lens.