This guide will teach you everything you need to know about creating thumbnail images for your videos on YouTube. ..

Free Image Editing Software for Thumbnails

To start with, you’ll need to download free image editing software. We would suggest using GIMP – the GNU image manipulation program. It’s free, open source, and our tutorial will be based on using GIMP, so you can follow along. GIMP is a great tool for editing images. Before you start, make sure you have it downloaded and installed. To do this, go to this link: Once you have GIMP installed, open it up and click on the “File” menu item. From here, select “New” and then “Image from File”. This will open up a new window where you can select the file you want to edit. ..

GIMP is a free and open source image editor that can be used to edit photos, graphics, and logos. After you have downloaded and installed GIMP, follow the installation instructions to get started. Once installed, open GIMP and you’ll be greeted with something similar to the image shown above. ..

A new window will open with the following dimensions: 1920x1080, 1080x1920. You can change the width and height to match your needs.

To create a successful YouTube thumbnail, you’ll need to add text to your thumbnail. The most successful thumbnails have a lot of text in them, so make sure to focus on making your image look appealing and interesting.

The article discusses how to write a great headline for your website or blog.

To rewrite this sentence, first click the text tool in the top left. Next, on your blank canvas, click to start typing. You can use the floating toolbar to adjust the text size and the box on the left to change font.

Ebrima Bold is a good font to start with if you’re looking for a clear, eye-catching font. It’s not too flashy or too bland, which can make it perfect for any type of document or website.

We would suggest typing the first line of text. Later, you can repeat the following steps with a new line of text, if needed. Now that you have some text, it’s time to add some detail to it to help it stand out.

Before we can start texturing our model, we need to choose a background color or image that compliments the text. Usually, a nice backdrop with toned down colors can work. ..

We searched for a royalty free image website that featured images of mountains, and found one that we liked. We used this image to create a video about how to make the perfect mountain backdrop for your video.

Right-click your image on Google and select “Copy Image.” Go back to GIMP and then press the Shift+Ctrl+N key to create a new layer. Keep the default settings and click OK.

Next, press Ctrl+V to paste your image onto the newly created layer in GIMP.In the top tab, click Layer, then click To New Layer.After, pay attention to the panel in the bottom right. This is your layer panel.Click and drag your image layer right to the bottom, just above ‘background’.

We want to blur the background of our text so that it doesn’t distract from the text. To do this, we’ll use the blur tool from the box in the top left.

Once you have the blur tool, increase its size to about 400, then start clicking and dragging on your background image. This will blur the image and help to keep it from being too distracting.

If your background is still drawing too much attention away from your text, you can adjust the opacity slightly in the layer box at the bottom right. Double click the number on the opacity bar and adjust it 2-5%.

Once you have completed the steps above, your background image will be ready. Now it’s time to focus on the text. ..

If you’d like to, you can adjust the text color and other attributes by clicking on the text tool, selecting your previously written text, and using the tools that appear on the left side of the screen.

If you want to avoid looking too flashy or overdone, white is often a good choice. ..

Next, it’s time to add a background to your text. This helps the text to stand out even further. To do this, first click on the text tool again in the top left, then double click your text to select it. After that, right click, and click Path from Text.

After that, click the From Path button in the toolbar at the top of the window.

When you create an outline for your text, it will help you to see where your points are and how they are connected. Next, click the Layer button in the top toolbar and click New Layer. After clicking Select in the toolbar at the top again, click Grow. ..

A new window will appear. Click the “Grow selection” button to the right of the “Choose 20 px under Grow selection by” field. Finally, use the bucket tool to fill in the selected area with a black color. ..

After following these steps, you can bring the black background layer under the text layer by dragging it in the layer box in the bottom right.

To make text that stands out, you will need to repeat the steps necessary to make text that stands out.

After doing this with a new line of text, here is what we have created. It’s still missing something, though. To finish it off with a final touch, we would suggest adding a point of interest to the bottom right corner of the thumbnail.

If you have a good photo of yourself, it will likely be the best possible image for your video. However, if your photo doesn’t fit the tone or style of your video, you can use a shot of whatever product or item you’re discussing. ..

We took a stock photo of an ecstatic man and copied it, then pasted it onto a new layer on GIMP.

To remove the background, follow these steps:

  1. Open the image in a program that can crop it.
  2. Click and drag one of the corners of the image to select it.
  3. Click and drag the selection to a new location on your screen.
  4. Release the mouse button and the image will have been cropped to your selection. ..

Select the Free select tool and drag the points around the outline of the area you want to keep. If you need to be more precise, zoom in and out with ctrl+mouse wheel up/down.

This process can take some time, but just be patient. You’ll get the hang of it after a while. Make sure the start point connects with the end point by clicking.

Once you’ve finished, go to the Select option in the top toolbar and click By Color. After, click Select again and click Invert. Finally, press Ctrl+X.

This is a finished image of a video that was shot on a specific location. By tweaking the photo and supporting image, you can make it more relevant to the video’s topic.


Making YouTube Thumbnails is a great way to show off your videos on the web. You can use them to promote your channel, or to show off new content. Here are some tips on how to make the best YouTube Thumbnails:

  1. Choose a good thumbnail image. When you make your thumbnail, make sure it is high quality and easy to see on screen. You want your thumbnail to be as clear and easy to see as possible.
  2. Use a consistent style for your thumbnail images. Make sure all of your thumbnail images use the same style and color scheme. This will help you look more professional when you upload them to YouTube.
  3. Use a caption for each thumbnail image. If you have any videos with commentary or other content, include a caption for each image in your post-processing settings! This will help people understand what is in each thumbnail faster when they view your video online.