If you don’t have a Facebook account, it’s perfectly possible to use Messenger without going anywhere near Facebook.com or even having the Facebook smartphone app installed. I know this because I’ve had Facebook uninstalled from my iPhone for months but I still use Messenger.

Use The Messenger Smartphone App

If you’re a heavy smartphone user, it makes sense to just use the Messenger app on your phone. It is a very sleek, well-built app and I have had no issues with it whatsoever. It even has games on it where you can play basketball with a phone contact! The iPhone version is here and the Android version is here. ..

I really enjoy “Dark Mode” and the self-destructing messages.

Use The Standalone Messenger Website

Facebook has been trying to get people to use Messenger more, and this website is a great way to do it. You can use Messenger without having to worry about your Facebook timeline or any other time-sucking distractions.

The Messenger app is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family, but it can be a little difficult to use on your own computer. If you want to get the most out of the app, you should set notifications for new messages and use a browser-based messenger like Messenger.

Messenger is a great way to keep track of your messages without constantly getting pulled into the Facebook timeline black hole.

Mac Users Can Use Messenger For Mac

Messenger for Mac is a great software option for Mac users. It is not made by Facebook, as the website makes clear, and it is a free and open-source project made by fans of Messenger. I have used this software for a long time and it works wonderfully. ..

Facebook Messenger is a stripped down bare-bones version of the messaging app that you can run on your Mac and have pinned to your Dock. But not everybody wants the latest shiny object.

Use An All-In-One Solution

Now, we have WhatsApp, Line, and Viber. These are all messaging platforms that allow you to communicate with other people without having to use multiple chat clients.

Franz is a chat platform that has been around for a while and is popular among professionals. It’s easy to use and has many features, such as video calling and group chat. Rambox is a new chat platform that was just released this year. It’s similar to Franz but has some unique features, such as encrypted messaging and the ability to run on multiple devices.

The downsides to the app are that it only gives you your messages, and you can’t reply.

There are two types of mobile phone: desktop and mobile. There is no mobile phone version so these are purely desktop only. But there are versions for Windows, Mac, and Linux, and it is enormously helpful to have everything in the same place if all you need are your messages.