There are a few reasons why you might want to consider deleting your old social media posts. First, you might not want them to be public anymore. If you’ve made a mistake or if something embarrassing happened and you don’t want anyone to see it, deleting your posts can help keep that information private. Another reason to delete old social media posts is if you no longer use the platforms or if they’re no longer relevant. If you deleted your Facebook account for example, your posts from that account would be gone forever. Finally, sometimes people post things on social media that they later regret and want to remove from the internet entirely. If you post something that someone else takes offense to and wants it removed immediately, deleting the post can help do that. ..

Digital detox is a popular way to break up with someone.

Delete your social media updates in bulk by getting rid of embarrassing old photos and updates.

How To Mass Delete Tweets

Twitter doesn’t have a built-in function to delete multiple tweets at the same time. ..

  1. Open the Twitter app on your phone.
  2. In the top left corner of the screen, tap on your profile picture.
  3. In the top right corner of the screen, tap on “Settings.”
  4. Under “General,” tap on “History.”
  5. Under “History,” tap on the tweet you want to delete.
  6. Tap on the three lines in the bottom left corner of the screen and then select “Delete.” ..

Use TweetDelete To Mass Delete Tweets

If you want to delete your tweets, you’ll have to use an app or a browser extension. TweetDelete is a free app that can help you mass delete Tweets. It works in any browser, and you can use it on your desktop as well as on your smartphone.

  1. Open the TweetDelete app on your phone.
  2. Tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the app, and then select “Delete”.
  3. Type your desired message into the text field at the bottom of the screen, and then hit “Delete”.

Delete tweets on the Twitter Delete website.

You can choose to delete all of your tweets or just tweets from a certain period of time. You can also use a text search tool to filter the posts you’d like removed. When you’re happy with all the configurations, click Delete my tweets! ..

Twitter Cleanup: You can set the app to run a Twitter cleanup regularly if you want to keep your feed up-to-date. If you have over 3,200 tweets that you’d like to remove, you can repeat the process until they’re all gone. There are other tools that can help you mass delete your tweets in one go, but most of them require a subscription.

Twitter is a social media platform that can be very useful for keeping in touch with friends and family. However, it can also be used to share information that you don’t want to share on other platforms. To keep your Twitter content safe and accessible, we recommend you archive it before doing a complete clear-out.

How To Mass Delete Facebook Posts

  1. Log in to Facebook.
  2. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of your screen.
  3. Select Settings from the menu that appears.
  4. Under General, click on the link that says Posts.
  5. On the Posts page, select all of your posts and then click on the Delete button at the bottom of the page. ..

Delete Facebook posts using Activity Log:

  1. Log in to Facebook.
  2. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of your screen (the one that says “Profile”).
  3. On the left, you’ll see a list of all your posts and activities from this day.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of this list and click on “Delete.”
  5. Your posts will be deleted immediately, but you’ll still have access to your account and all your data.

Both options only allow you to delete your Facebook updates one by one. If you want to keep all of your updates, you’ll need to use the other option.

Use Social Book Post Manager To Mass Delete Facebook Posts

There is no option on Facebook to delete posts the way you delete your browser’s cache. So if you don’t want to waste time deleting each Facebook post separately, you’ll have to use a browser extension or some other online tool to mass delete Facebook posts.

Social Book Post Manager is a free plugin for Chrome that can help you with that. You can delete your Facebook posts in batches, as well as improve your Facebook privacy by hiding multiple posts from other users.

  1. Log in to Social Book Post Manager
  2. Click on the “Delete Posts” button
  3. Type your Facebook username and password into the “Delete Posts” text field
  4. Click on the “Delete Posts” button

Open your Facebook profile and go to Activity Log. Choose a category from the Filters column on the left. Like Posts you’re tagged in, or Other people’s posts to your timeline. Click on the blue “Add to Timeline” button at the top of the page. Click on the blue “Add to Timeline” button at the top of the page. Type in your name and password (if you have one). Type in your name and password (if you have one). Click on “Save changes” at the bottom of the page.

Open the Social Book Post Manager extension. Then fill in the fields to narrow down your search of posts you’d like to delete: Year, Month, Text Contains, and Text Not Contains. Check Prescan on Page to enable preview. Click Delete to delete the chosen posts.

Remember that once you delete your Facebook posts, they can’t be recovered. So before you go and erase all those memories, make sure to download your Facebook data.

How To Mass Delete Instagram Posts

The Instagram app doesn’t let you delete more than one post at a time. You can only delete your posts using the mobile app, not your web browser.

  1. Open Instagram and sign in
  2. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen (the three lines that look like a triangle)
  3. Type “delete” into the text field at the bottom of the screen and click on the Delete button
  4. Your Instagram account will be deleted and all of your posts will be gone

You can choose to Archive your posts instead of deleting them. Unlike deleting, that action is reversible. The post will also retain all the likes and comments if you ever change your mind and want to restore it.

Use Cleaner For Instagram To Mass Delete Instagram Posts 

There are a number of apps available that can help you delete Instagram posts in bulk. One popular option is Cleaner for Instagram (download for: iOS, Android). ..

  1. Open Cleaner for Instagram
  2. Choose the posts you want to clean
  3. Click on the Clean button
  4. Follow the instructions to clean your feed

Open the Instagram app on your smartphone. Log into your account. Read and agree to the terms and conditions. ..

Remove all posts from the Media section of your app.

Instagram has released a new app called Cleaner which is free to use and allows users to clean up their account. The app has an option to upgrade to the Pro version which offers more functionality, such as the ability to whitelist users, unfollow, or block them. ..

If you’re concerned about how much you’re sharing on social media, it’s time to take a look at your posts and see if there are any specific areas that need more attention. Cleaning your social media accounts can help protect your online privacy and keep your followers happy.