TrueCrypt, which was once the most popular encryption software on the market, has now been replaced by VeraCrypt. VeraCrypt is a newer and more secure encryption software that looks nearly identical to TrueCrypt from the outside. However, unless your enemy is a government or an evil emperor on a fully operational Death Star, VeraCrypt is more than sufficient to keep nosy parents, spouses, and roommates from reading your private business (porn). ..

How to Set Up an Encrypted Volume with VeraCrypt:

  1. Download and install VeraCrypt.
  2. Create a new encrypted volume by clicking on the “Create Volume” button in the VeraCrypt window.
  3. Select a location on your hard drive for the encrypted volume, and click on the “Create” button.
  4. Click on the “Encrypt” button to start encrypting your volume.
  5. To finish encrypting your volume, click on the “Encrypt” button again and enter your password in the “Password” field.
  6. Click on the “Close” button to finish setting up your encrypted volume. ..

Setting Up VeraCrypt For The Very First Time

Next, choose your password. I like to use a mix of easily guessed words and complex passwords that are at least 8 characters long. Finally, input your payment information and click on the “submit” button. You’ll be asked to provide additional information such as your name and contact information. Once you’ve completed the process, you’ll be redirected to a page where you can view your new security code and access your new account.

Install the program as you usually would, but this time use the special command to install it specifically for your computer.

Opening It Up

When you open up the program, you will see a list of files. ..

The next step is to choose the size of your hard drive. You can either choose a size that is recommended by the program or you can choose a size that you think will be best for your needs. After you have chosen your hard drive size, click “Next”. This now takes you to the “Formatting Your Drive” screen. On this screen, you will need to decide what type of formatting you want to do to your drive. There are three types of formatting: Basic, Custom, and Professional. The Basic format will just create a basic folder structure on your drive and it will not erase any data. The Custom format will create a custom folder structure for you and it will also erase any data on your drive. The Professional format will create a professional folder structure for you and it will also encrypt any data on your drive. After you have made your decision, click “Next”. This now takes you to the “Formatting Your Drive” screen where you can choose which files to format and how much space they should take up on your hard drive. ..

To create an encrypted file container, click on the “Create an encrypted file container” button and then “Next”. ..

In part two, we will discuss the hidden volume option in VeraCrypt. For now, choose “Standard VeraCrypt volume” and then “Next”.

The next step is to specify the location of the encrypted volume and the name of it. Click on “Select File” and navigate to the folder where you want to put it. Then type the name of it. Both the location and the name can be changed later if need be.

The next screen asks you to choose your encryption algorithm. The default is AES, which is fine. ..

Don’t touch the hash algorithm - unless you know what you’re doing.

You need to decide how much data you want to store. ..

The first consideration is the safety of the person you are trying to help. The second consideration is the best way to get the information you need.

The encrypted volume will be used for videos and music. The amount of free space on the computer will be a factor in deciding if the volume is large enough to store all of these items. VeraCrypt volumes can also be moved onto removable media such as USB sticks and portable hard-drives. However, changing the volume size later is not possible.

This is an article about how to encrypt a VeraCrypt volume.

The password is the most important part of all when it comes to online security. Make sure you choose a strong, unique password that is easy for you to remember. ..

To keep your VeraCrypt data as secure as possible, remember that it is not necessary to use a password. VeraCrypt does not reset passwords or remind users. If you forget your password, you are on your own. ..

The best way to protect your password is to remember it carefully.

I would avoid using keyfiles and PIMs for the moment because they have the potential to make your volume more secure, but you need to have a solid understanding of how they work. I am still trying to figure it out so I am not going to expect you to suddenly become an expert in it. Let’s keep it simple for now.

To generate your encryption keys, you will need to: -Select a strong password -Create a strong password manager -Generate an encryption key pair ..

If you want to improve the encryption strength of VeraCrypt, you can move the mouse around the window randomly.

When the bar at the bottom is green, clicking “Format” will make your volume and place it in the location you specified. ..

Opening Up Your VeraCrypt Volume

To protect your new book from theft, it’s important to hide some files inside. ..

When VeraCrypt is open, highlight a drive letter with your mouse and click “Select File.” Double-click the volume to mount it. Remember not to use any drive letters currently being used by other drives, portable media or software. When the volume is showing, click “Mount.” ..

If you want to keep your computer secure, I would advise you to never save history with VeraCrypt. Otherwise, the program will keep track of all the recent volume locations on your computer that were accessed. ..

TrueCrypt is a security software that can be used to encrypt files. If you have never used TrueCrypt, please enter your password to continue.

If you are using MacOS, you will see the volume “mounted” as a drive.

You can open VeraCrypt volumes by double-clicking on them. ..

You can drag files into the volume and they will show up on the screen.

To close the VeraCrypt window, click “Dismount” on the VeraCrypt window.

To create an encrypted volume, you first need to create a folder. Inside the folder, you will create two files: a VeraCrypt configuration file and a password file. The configuration file is used to tell VeraCrypt how to encrypt the contents of the volume. The password file contains the password for the volume. To create an encrypted volume, follow these steps:

  1. Create a folder on your computer where you want to store your encrypted volumes.
  2. Copy the VeraCrypt configuration file and the password file into the folder that you created in step 1.
  3. Open VeraCrypt and click on the New Volume button (the icon with three lines). In the New Volume dialog box, enter a name for your volume (for example, “My Encrypted Volume”). Select your encryption algorithm (AES-256) and click on OK. In addition, make sure that checkbox labeled “Create hidden volumes” is checked and enter a size for your new volume in MB (for example, 10). Click on OK to finish creating your new volume. ..

Next time, we’ll explore the hidden volumes within normal volumes. Stay tuned for that.