There are a few ways to add friends on Discord. You can join public servers, search for servers based on interests, or create your own server and invite friends. Whichever way you choose, make sure to read the following tips to get started! ..

How To Add Friends on Discord Using the Website or Desktop App

To add friends on Discord, you’ll first need to open the app and sign in. Once you’re logged in, click the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen (called “server list”), and then click “Friends.” You can search for friends by name or server, or click the “Add Friends” button on the right to start adding people manually. If you want to add friends using a mobile device, follow these steps:

  1. Open Discord and sign in.
  2. In the top left corner of the main screen, click “Server List.”
  3. Click “Friends.”
  4. Search for friends by name or server, or click the “Add Friends” button on the right to start adding people manually.
  5. If you want to add friends using a mobile device with Discord installed, tap on a friend’s name or server icon and then select “Add Friend.” ..

Adding Friends Directly

Adding Friends in a Discord Server

To add friends you meet on Discord, first sign in to your account and click the “Friends” button in the top left corner of the Discord window. From here, you can select which servers you want to include in your list of friends. Next, find the person you want to add and click on their name. Finally, hit the “Add Friend” button and congratulations! You now have a friend on Discord! ..

How To Add Friends on Discord Using the Mobile App

Discord is a popular chat app with a growing user base. Through the Discord app, you can add new friends, or join servers you are already a member of. ..

Discord mobile app:

  1. Log in to Discord.
  2. Choose your device.
  3. Click on the “Settings” button on the left-hand side of the app, and then select “User Settings.”
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and then click on “Privacy.”
  5. In the privacy section, click on “Add Account.”
  6. In the account creation screen, enter your name and email address (if you have them).
  7. Click on “Create Account.”
  8. In the account settings screen, select “Server Settings.”
  9. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and then click on “Channel Settings.” Discord mobile app:

Adding Friends Directly

If you’ve just accepted a friend request from someone you know, the Friends tab will show up in your user’s profile. Here, you can call or message any user by simply tapping the icons next to their username.

Adding Friends in a Discord Server

  1. Log in to Discord and create a new server.
  2. Add the person you want to add to your server.
  3. Type “join my server” into the chat box and hit join.

Building a Better Community

Discord is an app that allows people to stream and play other online games. It also bridges friends together and provides a means of communication that is way more efficient than other platforms. It can be overwhelming at first because of the unfamiliarity with the platform, but it gets better when you get the hang of it.