1. Create custom labels to better organize your inbox: Whether you’re a fan of color-coding or just want to group related messages together, Gmail has you covered.
  2. Use filters to quickly sift through your inbox: Whether you need to catch all of your incoming emails from work, or just want to keep track of important ones, filters can help make the process a lot easier.
  3. Use Priority Inbox to set messages as high or low priority: If you find yourself constantly forgetting to respond to certain messages, setting them as a high priority can help ensure they get addressed ASAP.
  4. Use Snooze notifications for important messages: If you know you’ll have time later to deal with an email, but don’t want it popping up constantly in your inbox, setting it up as a Snooze notification can be a great solution.
  5. Use Gmail’s search feature: Not sure where an email is located within your account? Try using Gmail’s search feature – it should help you find what you’re looking for pretty quickly! ..

Right-Click Emails For Quick Access Controls

If you are using Gmail on the desktop, right-click emails in the feed and select “Quick controls.” You can quickly move emails to different tabs, reply, forward, or access any other feature, including Google’s new snooze control.

Gmail is a fast, easy way to do everything you could want to do with email.

Snooze Emails For Later

The snooze feature in Gmail can be used to hide an email for a later time or date. Then, when the snooze timer is up, you’ll get a new email notification. The email will pop into your inbox as if it’s a new email.

Sometimes we get emails that we don’t have the time to reply to, or we want to think more carefully about how to respond. Snooze makes sure we get notified at a later point so that we don’t forget to reply.

I’ve been using snooze to make sure I don’t have to write those half-written replies for too long.

Follow Up Reminders

If you don’t respond to an email from Gmail, it will send reminders to you so that you don’t forget about it. You’ll see orange text next to the email subject line if there’s a reminder for you.

If you forget to snooze a message, Gmail has a “snooze for later” feature that will automatically send the message at a later time. ..

Write Now, Send Later

Emailing a message later is now possible in Gmail. This could be useful for scheduling time sensitive messages that you can’t always get sent on time. ..

Google suggests using Google Calendar to send birthday messages, at appropriate times for those in different time zones, or to not interrupt those on vacation.

To use the new Write Now, Send Later feature, tap the three dots in the Gmail app and tap Schedule Send.

To send a message, tap the arrow next to the blue send button and select Schedule Send.

Gmail Smart Compose, Now Coming To iOS

Google is saying that more people are using Smart Compose to speed up their emails and Gmail Smart Compose is going to get smarter over time. This change will make it easier for users to quickly compose emails and keep them organized.

Smart Compose is an AI-powered feature that guesses what words you will write next. It’s already saving people from collectively typing over 1 billion characters per week. As of April 2019, Smart Compose is available on all Android devices and soon it will come to iOS. ..

To use Smart Compose, simply use the Gmail app to compose a message. As you type, suggestions will appear in dull text. Swipe to fill out the suggestion.

The more you use Smart Compose, the more it will learn about the words you use, and it will be even more powerful. It is essentially like a more powerful auto-correct built into your email client.