The fight for net neutrality has been one of the most important issues in this area, but there have been so many more. If you only focus on the fight for net neutrality, you may not be as informed as you could be.

The internet has been a powerful tool for activism and online organization for years, and it’s only gotten more popular in recent years. Nonprofits and publications have dedicated themselves to reporting on the pressing issues facing the internet, and they’re doing a great job. ..

  1. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is a nonprofit organization that focuses on the defense of civil liberties in the digital world. They offer a wide variety of resources, including news articles, blog posts, and videos.
  2. The Open Rights Group (ORG) is an international non-profit organization that specializes in defending freedom of expression online. They offer a wide variety of resources, including news articles, blog posts, and videos.
  3. The Center for Democracy and Technology (CERT) is an independent nonprofit organization that focuses on the defense of free speech online. They offer a wide variety of resources, including news articles, blog posts, and videos.
  4. Google has been known for its support for free speech since its founding in 1998. In this article, we’ll discuss four different newsletters that they offer to their users in order to keep you up-to-date on the latest in web activism and internet freedom issues!

Electronic Frontier


The EFF is a nonprofit organization that defends digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.

EFF stands for the freedom of the internet, and provides funds for legal defense and defends individuals and businesses from abusive legal threats. EFF believes that these rights are essential to a free and open society, and that they are infringed upon by laws which restrict access to the internet.

In a case that has been headline-grabbing, the EFF has helped to sue the US government for permission to publish an encryption software. This software, Shuffle, is used by many people in the United States to protect their privacy.

EFF’s newsletter provides access to updates on related news, actions, and events. If provided with a postal code, events closer to your area will be prioritized.

Internet Freedom


The IFF was founded in 2013 by Sunil Abraham, a former executive director of the Centre for Internet and Society, and Pranesh Prakash, a professor at the University of Maryland. The IFF is based in Bangalore, India. The Internet Freedom Foundation (IFF) is an organization that focuses on the online freedom of India. India is second only to China in internet users by population with over 700 million people, nearly three times as many as the United States. The IFF was founded in 2013 by Sunil Abraham, a former executive director of the Centre for Internet and Society, and Pranesh Prakash, a professor at the University of Maryland. ..

The IFF is a global nonprofit organization that focuses on protecting the internet, free expression, and online privacy. They are known for their Save the Internet, Keep Us Online, and Save Our Privacy campaigns. Their mission is to protect net neutrality, free expression, and online privacy and encryption.

Digital rights organizations are groups that work to protect digital rights, including the right to privacy, freedom of expression, and consumer protection.

Sign up for IFF’s newsletter to stay up-to-date on news, related articles, and even jobs relevant to its mission.

Free Software


The FSF is a nonprofit organization that aims to promote free software and open source software. It was founded in 1985, and its mission is to “bring universal freedom to study, distribute, create, and modify computer software.” The FSF also developed the GNU operating system and created the GNU General Public License.

The Free Software Foundation’s website offers a wealth of information on campaigns, licensing, and the resources they provide. Some of their ongoing efforts include the Free JavaScript, PlayOgg, and OpenDocument campaigns. ..

The Free Software Supporter newsletter is a monthly publication that covers stories and alerts that are relevant to the free software community. It is published in five different languages: English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, and French.

The GNU announcements list is a mailing list for announcements about the GNU project. The fundraising announcements list is a mailing list for announcements about donations to the FSF. The messages from the FSF community team is a mailing list for messages from the FSF team and other members of the community.


Since 1993, WIRED has been a leader in reporting on issues surrounding internet freedom and openness. ..

WIRED has published dozens of articles on important issues surrounding net neutrality, transparency, free speech, and other topics that remain at the forefront of internet activism. ..

WIRED’s newsletter will bring the publication’s biggest stories to your inbox on Monday morning. You can alternatively sign up to the WIRED Longreads newsletter, which will deliver WIRED’s best features and investigations on each Sunday.

WIRED is a great source for staying up to date on the latest news around the web. ..

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