1. Keep a list of your current projects and tasks to help you stay organized.
  2. Use Google Keep to keep track of your progress on projects and to make sure you are on track.
  3. Use Google Keep to store important notes and ideas for later.

Take Your Notes To Google Docs

You can open Keep in a sidebar next to Google Docs and Slides. Use Keep as a placeholder for your outlines or rough ideas. Then, when you have more time, add them to Google Docs with a simple drag and drop.

You can also keep a block of text by right-clicking and saving it to Keep. Keep saves a link to the document attached to the note. ..

When you are ready, organize all your field notes in a Google Doc. Keep a record of your thoughts and ideas as you work, so that you can refer to them later.

Mind Map With Freehand Drawing

Mind mapping is a great way to visualize relationships between different concepts. A paper is the best tool for this, but any tool that gives you space for freehand scribbles comes close second. ..

Start brainstorming by drawing a simple mind map. Click the plus sign and choose Drawing. Use the Pen tool to draw simple mind maps and save them to a note for later use. ..

When preparing for a presentation, it can be helpful to outline your points with a mind map. This way, you can see the big picture and plan out your presentation more easily. After outlining your points, you can open the note in Google Slides to design your slides. This will help you stay organized and keep your presentation on track. ..

Color Code Notes For Better Organization

In vanilla white, notes were just a bland blob of color. With Keep, you can choose from 12 colors to make your notes stand out. By coloring them by task, deadline, or type of information a note holds, you can easily tell them apart at a glance.

For urgent tasks with deadlines, the task can be marked with a red color. Long term tasks can be colored green. This way, it is easy to see which tasks are the most important and need to be completed first.

Google Keep is a great tool for keeping track of your to-dos, but it can be a bit difficult to find the information you need quickly. The Category Tabs for Google Keep extension makes it easy to find the information you need by grouping your to-dos by category. This makes it easy to see what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. ..

It can be hard to remember which color goes where, especially if you have a lot of them. Make a separate note with the index of colors and what they mean.

Organize Your Notes Without Folders

Labels are a helpful way to organize your notes. They work like hashtags and are searchable from the bar at the top. Make sure to choose labels that will make sense for your notes, as they can grow into an unwieldy mess if not used wisely. Just type #label-name and Keep will prompt you to either apply a label if it already exists or create one if it doesn’t. ..

For the next day’s study schedule, I will label the notes “A” through “F.”

In a recent study, it was found that people who use do not support nested labels. To make things more organized, the labels are alphabetized. This makes it easier to find what you’re looking for.

Grab Text From An Image

Google Keep supports Optical Character Recognition (OCR). This can be a time saving shortcut when you want to use Google Keep to take something from typed notes. Snap a photo with your mobile camera and save the image in a Keep note. The OCR will pull in the text and you can now modify it in the Keep note itself.

The OCR software isn’t so great with handwritten text, but you can try it on a text dense whiteboard in your class. You have the photo to refer to even if the character recognition fails. On the plus side, you don’t have to depend on alternative OCR software.

In a recent study, people who used a computer to write were more productive than those who used a paper pen. The computer allowed them to keep track of what they had written and to make changes as they went.

Collaborate With Common Checklists

The to-do list can be a helpful tool for keeping your head on track during a long project. Break down your subject into tiny steps with a checklist and see if it helps you become more aware of the learning process.

A collaborative team can share a Keep checklist and communicate the details of a project in the same way. ..

Google Keep is a great way to keep track of your ideas, thoughts, and progress. You can create new notes, add people to your note list, and share notes with others.

Revise With Voice Memos

Launch the Keep mobile app, click on the microphone icon at the bottom right of your screen and record your message. When you’re done talking, the recording will automatically end, and a new screen will pop up with the text of your message and an audio file.

Voice memos can be a helpful way to record ideas, revise a subject, and see how much you can remember. They can also be a helpful way to get speech ready for your oral presentation.

If you want to learn a foreign language, there are a few things you can do to help improve your pronunciation and fluency. One way is to use the voice feature of your phone or computer. This will help you learn how to speak the language in a way that feels natural to you. Another way is to practice with a native speaker. This will help you develop your speaking skills and make learning the language easier.

Set Time Or Location Reminders

Google Keep is a note-taking app that allows you to set time or GPS location-based reminders. You can create a note with the school address and a task you want to be reminded of. As soon as you enter the premises, Google Keep will remind you about the task. ..

If you want to remember a topic for a future time, create a reminder with time-based questions. For example, “Remember this topic for _____ days?”

If you’re like many people, you may find yourself forgetting where you’ve been. Location reminders can be a helpful way to remember where you’ve been and what you’ve done. Setting up a reminder can help keep your memories fresh. ..

Use Google Keep Like a Simple Flash Card

Want to set a schedule for practicing your lessons? Use Keep’s Reminder to pick a date and time. Then, set it to repeat after a fixed duration. You can change this to longer durations as you recall improves. ..

Spaced repetition software like Anki or SuperMemo are not the recommended way to use this system, but it can still be useful. ..

You can practice your speaking skills by choosing the right time of day. ..

Refer To Important Websites With The Keep Extension

The Google Keep Chrome extension can help you populate your notes fast. Find something to save on the web and click the extension. The site’s link is automatically added to the note. You can also select some text or an image and create a new note from the right-click menu.

If you’re like most people, you probably use a variety of online bookmarks to keep track of the websites and videos you visit. But what if you could make Keep work even better with your bookmarks? Here’s how: First, take some notes while watching a YouTube video. Then, when you’re ready to revisit the video and the notes, just open Keep and click on the link in your notes. Keep will automatically open the video in a new tab and display your notes alongside it. This way, you can easily keep track of both the information and the context of each video! ..

The Google Keep extension is a great way to keep track of your tasks and ideas while you’re on the go. You can save your notes, ideas, and tasks in the extension’s “notes” tab, or you can store them in the “files” tab. You can also share your notes with other people by email or social media.

Keep It Close For Quick Notes

Google Keep is a simple note-taking app that can be used with any GTD system. It’s great for taking quick notes, but it’s not as powerful as some other options. ..